Board Meeting Highlights - June 25, 2024

Good News

Board Approves the 2024/2025 Budget

The Board of Trustees of AMDSB received and approved the 2024/20235 Budget at the meeting on Tuesday, June 25. The operating budget presented includes Operating Revenues and Transfers of Reserves of $251,320,150 and Operating Expenses matching this amount. The capital budget approved includes Capital Spending of $20,337,257. While the operating budget complies with the Ministry of Education's budget compliance rule, the total operating deficit for the 2024/2025 year is expected to be $2,055,531. Please see the full report of the Finance Committee.

Congratulations Graduates!

Burst of navy stars, congratulations in greenThe Board of Trustees acknowledged all the students graduating (grade 8, grade 12, Centre for Employment and Learning programs, etc.) or moving on to their next step in life. Trustees and senior staff will be attending various celebrations and they expressed their sincere congratulations and best wishes to all.  

Student Trustee Update

Student Trustee Nathan Bean reported that the 2024-2025 Student Senate is now fully in place. The members are busy with exams and looking forward to a restful summer. He also expressed his sincere thanks to the trustees and senior staff for their help and guidance during his time as Student Trustee. Nathan looks forward to attending university in the fall.

Senior Staff Update

Mental Health and Well-being Three-Year Strategy 

Superintendent Kathy Boyd presented an overview of the Mental Health and Well-being (MHWB) strategy which aligns with the Ministry of Education PPM 169. She highlighted that throughout the 2023/2024 school year, the MHWB team provided service to nearly 1200 students (Sept 2023 to May 2024), including a pilot series of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy groups for students in Grades 3-12 to support the demand for counselling and skill building. Through this program, the team supported over 200 students arranged in groups with a 74% completion rate and 95% of students reporting new skills. The three-year strategy highlights four main areas: service pathways, mental health literacy, tiered interventions and engagement. The full strategy has been posted on the board website: MHWB Three-Year Strategy

Future Board Meetings

Regular Board Meetings are held in person unless otherwise noted. Agendas are posted on the Board Meeting page the day before the meeting. The public portion begins at 4:45 p.m.
  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024 – Regular Board Meeting and Committee of
    the Whole, Closed Session immediately afterwards. 
  • Tuesday, September 24, 2024 – Regular Board Meeting and Committee of
    the Whole, Closed Session immediately afterwards.

Future Meetings/Events with Trustee Representation 

  • Various school graduation events.