
Children who are 3 years old (JK) or 4 years old (SK) by December 31, 2024 will be eligible to attend Full Day Kindergarten in September 2025. 
How to Register:
  • Contact your local school first. Complete list of our schools including contact information
  • Not sure which school to register at? Visit to find out.
  • Complete the online form at the link below. You may have to create a new account to begin the process.
  • Once you have submitted the online form, you will receive a confirmation email indicating you’ve successfully completed pre-registration.
  • If you were not able to contact the school prior to pre-registering online, the school will be in touch to make an appointment to finalize your registration. 
  • The following documentation will be required to complete the registration:
    • Proof of Address (Utility bill, proof of Ontario Property Assessment Notice, or lease agreement)
    • Proof of the Student’s Legal Name and Date of Birth
      • Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport, birth registration, citizenship card or official hospital birth record.
    • Proof of Custody where applicable
      • Custody orders, court-ordered Guardianship
    • Immigration documents where required
    • Immunization records
For additional help, please email [email protected]

What does Kindergarten Look Like in AMDSB?

Contact Information

Bevan Moir
System Principal of Program
(Early Learning)
Avon Maitland District School Board
1-800-592-5437 ext 600122

Kindergarten Registration

Children who are 3 or 4 years old by December 31, 2022 are eligible to attend Full Day Kindergarten in September 2023.