Avon Maitland District School Board Home

Media Release

AMDSB Looking for Partners to Provide Before and After School Programs

Pathways Highlights E-magazine

Check out the latest issue of our Pathways Highlights! This e-magazine showcases grade 6-12 AMDSB students engaged in hands-on activities from workshops to co-op to programs like OYAP and SHSM. Our students are truly engaged!

Media Release

AMDSB Announces New Name and Fresh Look for their Adult and Continuing Education Program

Board Meeting Highlights

Check out the highlights from the January 28 meeting! You will read that the Director's Annual Report for the 2023/2024 school year has been released highlighting activities from across our district. Also, a summary of our January days of significance, a celebration of our staff United Way campaign and a kudos for Romeo PS!

Avon Maitland District School Board

Engage, Inspire, Innovate...Always Learning
Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) provides first class education to students and
families throughout Huron and Perth Counties. We aim to engage, inspire, and innovate,
in all that we do! We are always learning! Our work is guided by a Strategic Plan
and highlights 3 main areas of focus that enable our students and staff to say:

I am prepared. I am well. I am engaged.

Connect with Us!