Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (2024-2029)
At Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) we are committed to address barriers in education allowing students to reach their full potential. Our commitment to accessibility also extends to our staff and our communities. The Ministry of Education has confirmed that Ontario is committed to supporting the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and its goal of an accessible Ontario by 2025.
Under this Act, the government has created enforceable standards for accessible built environment, customer service, employment, information & communications and transportation.
This Multi-Year Accessibility Plan has been developed in accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. This plan describes the measures that the Board will take over the five-year period from 2024-2029, to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities who work, learn and participate in the School Board community and environment including students, staff, parents and guardians, volunteers and visitors to the Board office buildings, its schools and Centres for Employment and Learning. Further, this plan is guided by the AMDSB Strategic Plan.
In March of 2022 the K-12 Education Standards Development Committee released the K-12 Education Standards Recommendation Report to the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. This report offers suggestions to significantly update the current AODA Standards. As of writing of this report (11/16/2023), however, the government including the Ministry of Education has not adopted these recommendations and as such this Multi-Year Accessibility Plan does not address the draft recommendations.
A Message from the Director of Education
Our 2024-2026 Strategic Plan focuses on three main areas: I am prepared. I am well. I am engaged. Our intent is to create positive inclusive learning environments, where students have access to support for their unique needs, are able to learn in a safe, supportive, and accessible learning environment and have the ability to voice their own needs towards achieving their own personal success.
In building the 2024-2029 Accessibility Plan, the AODA Committee has considered these important intentions. As well, the AODA Committee has undertaken a consultation process in order to obtain student, staff and community voice in the building of the plan. I trust you will find this 2024-2029 Accessibility Plan aligns and intersects with the AMDSB 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, and that our focus on accessible access to education and voice from our school community is apparent.
Dr. Lisa Walsh, Director of Education
A Message from the AODA Committee
About the AODA Committee
The AMDSB Accessibility Working Group, known as the AODA Committee, is established in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. The purpose of this working group is to develop the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan as required by the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation and monitor the implementation of the plan throughout AMDSB.
The AODA Committee is a Board level committee with working sub-committees for each of the AODA Standards. The committee includes two Trustee representatives, leads from each of the AODA Standards sub-committees and other Board staff. The committee’s structure is governed by its Terms of Reference.
The AODA committee is committed to address barriers in education allowing students to reach their full potential. Our commitment to accessibility also extends to our staff and our communities.
To accomplish this work, the committee has developed this plan to act as a guiding document, with consultation from related and interested parties. The plan is presented to our Board of Trustees and made public through our website. The plan creates the structure that allows the committee and its sub-committees to maintain AODA standards. The AODA committee updates the Board of Trustees annually on its progress towards achievement of this plan.
Creation of the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
To create this Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (the Plan), the committee undertook a fulsome review of the prior Plan and reviewed the Act to ensure current understanding. It was important to the committee to analyze the outline/structure of the former plan and to improve its readability, usability and accessibility.
Each one of the sub-committee leads worked with their members to develop sub-committee plans. Sub-committees include: built environment, customer service, employment, information & communications and transportation. To ensure consistency, a standard template was created for sub-committee plan submission.
The committee agreed upon a consultation process which included capturing student voice and input from key school community groups including, but not limited to, the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC), our Student Senate and the Equity Steering Committee.
As indicated above, the K-12 Education Standards Development Committee recently released recommendations to the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. The AODA Committee is monitoring the government’s response to these recommendations. We commit to revisiting this Plan if/when legislation is updated.
We hope you find the details of the Plan informative and evidence of our intent to increase accessibility throughout AMDSB.
The AMDSB AODA Committee
Achieving Compliance via the work of Sub-Committees
The AODA Committee includes five (5) sub-committees which align with the reporting standards of the Act as follows:
- Built Environment Sub-committee
- Customer Service Sub-committee
- Employment Sub-committee
- Information & Communications Sub-committee
- Transportation Sub-committee
The lead from each AODA Standard sub-committee sits as a voting member of the AODA Committee. Each sub-committee meets regularly, separately from the AODA Committee, to plan the accessibility work required under the standard for which they are responsible. The sub-committees include members that are experts in their work, or others with an interest or desire to improve accessibility at AMDSB within that standard. In building this Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, each sub-committee developed an approach to achieve the accessibility requirements for their standard.
The five sub-committee reports are included below. In addition to a statement, each sub-committee plan includes a section pertaining to the compliance requirements and a section for other projects the sub-committee is working on outside of the expectations of the Act.
Sub-Committee Plans
Built Environment Standards
The Built Environment Standards sub-committee will continue to meet or exceed Ontario Building Code requirements and the relevant codes and sector-specific requirements when redesigning existing or constructing new sites. We face challenges in addressing accessibility issues including limited funding, existing building design restrictions, and individual physical accommodations versus the building code technical requirements, just to name a few. If the Province of Ontario adopts new K-12 Education Standards, we will endeavor to integrate those requirements into the Built Environment.
Compliance Requirements per Reg 191/11 = the minimum accessibility standards from the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation.
- 80.22 - Obligated organizations shall ensure that any exterior paths of travel that they construct or redevelop and intend to maintain meet the requirements set out in this Part. O. Reg. 413/12, s. 6. To be achieved when redesigning or building new exterior paths of travel, the Built Environment standards for paths of travel, ramps, stairs, and curb ramps will be met - Required compliance date: Jan 1, 2017 - Ongoing.
- 80.32 - Obligated organizations shall ensure that when constructing new or redeveloping off-street parking facilities that they intend to maintain, the off-street parking facilities meet the requirements set out in this Part. O. Reg. 413/12, s. 6. To be achieved when redesigning or constructing new off-street parking, the Built Environment standards for parking spaces including number and type of spaces, signage, and access aisles will be met - Required compliance date: Jan 1, 2017 - Ongoing.
- 80.40 - Obligated organizations shall meet the requirements set out in this Part in respect of the following:
- All newly constructed service counters and fixed queuing guides.
- All newly constructed or redeveloped waiting areas. O. Reg. 413/12, s. 6.
- 80.44 - In addition to the accessibility plan requirements set out in section 4, obligated organizations, other than small organizations, shall ensure that their multi- year accessibility plans include the following:
- Procedures for preventive and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements in public spaces as required under this Part.
- Procedures for dealing with temporary disruptions when accessible elements required under this Part are not in working order. O. Reg. 413/12, s. 6.
Other Projects
Additional accessible projects above the minimum requirement are completed or in progress.- Various locations - Visual aids for seeing impaired - Assist schools with their building assessment recommendations for visually impaired students - Ongoing.
- Various locations - Outdoor play spaces - Work with schools and playground consultants to incorporate accessibility features (e.g. sensory and active play). Consideration will be given to a firm, stable, and slip-resistant ground surface with impact-absorbing properties. Moving to engineered wood fiber surfacing to replace existing pea stone - Ongoing.
- Various locations - Outdoor Public Use Space - Where new construction of a pavilion, accessible picnic tables are being incorporated in the design and there is firm stable ground surfacing leading to and under such tables with appropriate knee clearances - Ongoing.
- Various locations - Service-related Elements - When renovations are undertaken to administration areas, service counters with appropriate countertop height and clear floor space in front are being incorporated in the design - Ongoing.
Customer Service
The Administrative Procedures and training requirements to be in compliance with Regulation 191/11 have been established and met in previous multi-year plans. In the next five years, this subcommittee will therefore commit to an extension of accessibility work through a new tool, the Inclusive Education Indicators, while also reviewing and revising the work previously established within AMDSB. An internal compliance audit will accompany this work
Compliance Requirements per Reg 191/11 = the minimum accessibility standards from the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation.
- 3(1) - Every obligated organization shall develop, implement, and maintain policies governing how the organization achieves or will achieve accessibility through meeting its requirements under the accessibility standards referred to in this Regulation. This is achieved by having all policies and procedures developed and reviewed as required.
- AP 144 - Notice of Disruption of Service;
- AP 146 - Use of Service Animals by General Public;
- AP 147 - Monitoring and Feedback on Accessible Customer Service;
- AP 148 - Use of Guide Dogs - Service Dogs;
Required compliance date: January 1, 2014 - complete.
- 4(1) - Large organizations shall:
- Establish, implement, maintain, and document a multi-year accessibility plan that outlines the organization’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet its requirements under this Regulation;
- post the accessibility plan on their website, if any, and provide the plan in an accessible format upon request; and
- review and update the accessibility plan at least once every five years
This is achieved with our AMDSB AODA 5-Year Accessibility Plan (2018-2023)
Required compliance date: January 1, 2014 - complete.
- 7(1) - Every obligated organization shall ensure that training is provided on the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in this Regulation and on the Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities to:
- all employees and volunteers;
- all persons who participate in developing the organization‘s policies; and
- all other persons who provide goods, services, or facilities on behalf of the organization.
To is achieved by requiring all employees to complete the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act training as well as ongoing training for staff and volunteers on Accessible Customer Service. Required compliance date: January 1, 2015 - complete for current employees and ongoing for new staff.
- 80.48(1) - If, in order to obtain, use, or benefit from a provider’s goods, services, or facilities, persons with disabilities usually use other particular facilities or services of the provider, and if there is a temporary disruption in those other facilities or services in whole or in part, the provider shall give notice of the disruption to the public. To be achieved through AP 144 - Notice of Disruption of Service. Required compliance date: January 1, 2015 - complete.
- 80.49(1) - In addition to the requirements in section 7, every provider shall ensure that the following persons receive training about the provision of the provider’s goods, services or facilities, as the case may be, to persons with disabilities:
- Every person who is an employee of, or a volunteer with, the provider.
- Every person who participates in developing the provider’s policies.
- Every other person who provides goods, services or facilities on behalf of the provider. O. Reg. 165/16, s. 16.
To be achieved through AP 120: CRES Agreements. Required compliance date: January 1, 2015 - complete and ongoing
- 80.50(1) - Every provider shall establish a process for receiving and responding to;
- feedback about the manner in which it provides goods, services, or facilities to persons with disabilities; and;
- feedback about whether the feedback process established for purposes of clause (a) complies with subsection (3). O. Reg. 165/16, s. 16.
To be achieved through AP 147 - Monitoring and Feedback on Accessible Customer Service. Required compliance: January 1, 2015 - complete.
- 80.51 - If a provider is required to give a copy of a document to a person with a disability, the provider shall, on request, provide or arrange for the provision of the document, or the information contained in the document, to the person in an accessible format or with communication support;
- in a timely manner that takes into account the person’s accessibility needs due to disability; and
- at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
Other Projects
- Inclusive Education Indicators - Implementation - The Inclusive Education Indicators are a resource bank and reflection tool for equitable, accessible, and inclusive education practices. In website form, the Indicators tool was introduced to AMDSB in May 2023. Implementation would look like:
- Use of Indicators as a tool for AODA sub-committee work, both as a guide and for ongoing revision of Indicators;
- Professional learning opportunities, led by the Learning Services department
- Customer Service Campaign - Review, revise, and redistribute Customer Service checklists and guidelines for school use. Example topics include accessible event planning for school guests and volunteers, visitors, and partner agency accessibility awareness.
- Customer Service Standard in Practice - Using the APs, Indicators, and checklists (above) as a guide, conduct an assessment of compliance in sites across AMDSB. Sample inquiry areas might include:
- Are checklists and guidelines readily available for all staff to access?
- Are disruptions in service notices regularly posted?
- Are avenues to provide feedback prevalent and readily available?
The Employment Standard Subcommittee will continue to follow, as a minimum, the accessibility standards from the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. Our goal is to continue to ensure Avon Maitland District School Board supports the accommodation of candidates through the recruitment process, as well as accommodating employees throughout the employment cycle.
Compliance Requirements per Reg 191/11 = the minimum accessibility standards from the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation.
- 22 - Every employer shall notify its employees and the public about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment processes. This is achieved by the information being included in our job postings and on our website. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 23 - (1) During a recruitment process, an employer shall notify job applicants when they are individually selected to participate in an assessment or selection process, that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials or processes to be used. (2) If a selected applicant requests accommodation, the employer shall consult with the applicant and provide or arrange for the provision of suitable accommodation in a manner that takes into account the applicant‘s accessibility needs due to disability. This is achieved by having the Human Resource Services (HRS) department of the AMDSB notify employees and the public about the availability of accommodations for job applicants with disabilities on job postings as well as the AMDSB website. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 24 - Every employer shall, when making offers of employment, notify the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities. This is achieved during the recruitment process when job applicants are individually selected to participate in an assessment or selection process, if a selected applicant requests an accommodation, the HRS recruitment staff shall consult with the applicant and provide and arrange for the provision of suitable accommodations in a manner that takes into account the applicant’s accessibility needs due to disability. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 25(2) - Employers shall provide the information required under this section to new employees as soon as practicable after they begin their employment. This is achieved by having the HRS Department partner with the Communications Department to ensure accessible formats for general information are available to applicants. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 25(3) - Employers shall provide updated information to its employees whenever there is a change to existing policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee‘s accessibility needs due to disability. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 26.1 - In addition to its obligations under section 12, where an employee with a disability so requests it, every employer shall consult with the employee to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for,
- Information that is needed to perform the employee’s job; and
- Information that is generally available to employees in the workplace.
This is achieved by having the HRS Department partner with the Communications Department to ensure accessible formats for general information are available to applicants. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 26.2 - The employer shall consult with the employee making the request in determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support. This is achieved by having the HRS Department partner with the Communications Department to ensure accessible formats for general information are available to applicants. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 27(1) - Every employer shall provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have a disability if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary and the employer is aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee‘s disability. This is achieved if the employee has provided consent, then AMDSB shall provide the workplace emergency information to the person(s) designated by the AMDSB to assist the employee as soon as practical after becoming aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee’s disability. Individual emergency evacuation response plans are incorporated into all modified/permanent accommodations as required. Required compliance date: January 2012 - complete.
- 27(2) - If an employee who receives individualized workplace emergency response information requires assistance and with the employee‘s consent, the employer shall provide the workplace emergency response information to the person designated by the employer to assist the employee. Required compliance date: January 2012 - complete.
- 27(3) - Employers shall provide the information required under this section as soon as practicable after the employer becomes aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee‘s disability. Required compliance date: January 2012 - complete.
- 27(4) - Every employer shall review the individualized workplace emergency response information,
- when the employee moves to a different location in the organization;
- when the employee‘s overall accommodations needs or plans are reviewed; and
- when the employer reviews its general emergency response policies.
Required compliance date: January 2012 - complete.
- 28(1) - Employers, other than employers that are small organizations, shall develop and have in place a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. This has been achieved by having the Human Resource Services department establish a schedule of communicating to all employees on an annual basis to advise of the availability of individual accommodation and emergency evacuation response plans where required due to disability. These forms have been reviewed and updated and are being distributed electronically to current staff via an annual memo and included as part of the hire package for new employees. Electronic fillable forms are expected to be available electronically on the Core and communicated to all staff in the fall of 2020. Required compliance date: January 2016 - complete.
- 28(2) - The process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans shall include the following elements:
- The manner in which an employee requesting accommodation can participate in the development of the individual accommodation plan.
- The means by which the employee is assessed on an individual basis.
- The manner in which the employer can request an evaluation by an outside medical or other expert, at the employer‘s expense, to determine if and how accommodation can be achieved.
- The manner in which the employee can request the participation of a representative from their bargaining agent, where the employee is represented by a bargaining agent, or another representative from the workplace, where the employee is not represented by a bargaining agent, in the development of the accommodation plan.
- The steps taken to protect the privacy of the employee‘s personal information.
- The frequency with which the individual accommodation plan will be reviewed and updated and the manner in which it will be done.
- If an individual accommodation plan is denied, the manner in which the reasons for the denial will be provided to the employee.
- The means of providing the individual accommodation plan in a format that takes into account the employee‘s accessibility needs due to disability.
Required compliance date: January 2016 - complete.
- 29(1) - Every employer, other than an employer that is a small organization,
- shall develop and have in place a return to work process for its employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work; and
- shall document the process.
This is achieved by the AMDSB following AP 416 Early and Safe Return to Work for employees who are absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodations, to return to work. Individual plans are incorporated into all transitional modified work and permanent accommodation programs. Required compliance date: January 2016 - complete.
- 29(2) - The return to work process shall,
- outline the steps the employer will take to facilitate the return to work of employees who were absent because their disability required them to be away from work; and
- use individual documented accommodation plans, as described in section 28, as part of the process.
- 29(3) - The return to work process referenced in this section does not replace or override any other return to work process created by or under any other statute. Required compliance date: January 2016 - complete.
- 30(1) - An employer that uses performance management in respect of its employees shall take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans when using its performance management process in respect of employees with disabilities. Required compliance date: January 2016 - complete.
- 31(1) - An employer that provides career development and advancement to its employees shall take into account the accessibility needs of its employees with disabilities as well as any individual accommodation plans when providing career development and advancement to its employees with disabilities. Required compliance date: January 2016 - complete.
- 32(1) - An employer that uses redeployment shall take into account the accessibility needs of its employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans when redeploying employees with disabilities. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
Other Projects
Additional accessible projects above the minimum requirements are completed or in progress.
- Training -
- Further training in customer service, diversity awareness, and AODA compliance is being scheduled for all staff in the HRS department in the 19/20 school year. Completion date: November 2021.
- Will continue to train new hires and review with existing staff within the department on customer service, diversity awareness, and AODA compliance. Ongoing.
- Will continue to support mandatory accessibility training for all new employees through Safe Schools. Ongoing.
- Individual Accommodation Plans and Workplace Emergency Response Plans - The Human Resource Services department has established a schedule of communicating to all supervisors and employees on an annual basis to advise of the availability of individual accommodation and emergency response plans where required due to disability. An information package and forms are also provided to newly hired staff. Complete - fall 2020 updated and will be posted in System Memos annually.
- Individual Accommodation Plans - The accommodation plan will include the frequency with which the individual accommodation plan should be reviewed or updated and how it should be done. Appropriate steps are taken to protect the privacy of the employee’s personal information in development and deployment of the accommodation plans. If an individual accommodation plan is denied, the manner in which the reasons for the denial will be provided to the employee. The Human Resource Services department will continue, on an annual basis, to review the template forms and modify them as necessary to ensure compliance with the applicable standards. Any changes will be communicated to the organization accordingly. No completion date as this process is embedded in our Health and Wellness Program.
- Workplace Emergency Evacuation Response Plans - If the employee has provided consent, the AMDSB shall provide the workplace emergency information to the person(s) designated by the AMDSB to assist the employee as soon as practical after becoming aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee’s disability. Individual emergency evacuation response plans are incorporated into all modified/permanent accommodations as required. The Human Resource Services department will continue, on an annual basis, to review the template forms and modify them as necessary to ensure compliance with the applicable standards. Any changes will be communicated to the organization accordingly. No completion date as this process is embedded in our Health and Wellness Program.
- Return to Work Processes - The AMDSB follows AP 416 Early and Safe Return to Work for employees who are absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodations, in order to return to work. Individual plans are incorporated into all transitional modified work and permanent accommodation programs. No completion date as this process is embedded in our Health and Wellness Program.
- Accessible Documents - Converting documents to be AODA compliant is an ongoing process. Appoint a staff member within the department to complete training related to AODA document compliance and share this knowledge with all members of the HRS department (i.e. become the subject matter expert). Ongoing.
Information and Communications
The Information and Communications sub-committee will continue to address the requirements as laid out in the current AODA Standards. If the new standard K-12 Education Standards are adopted by the Province of Ontario, we will integrate those requirements into our work. The sub-committee will also continue to stay up to date with current best practices and updates as they become available.
Compliance Requirements per Reg 191/11 = the minimum accessibility standards from the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation.
- 11(1) - Every obligated organization that has processes for receiving and responding to feedback shall ensure that the processes are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for accessible formats and communications support, upon request. This is achieved through AP 147 - Monitoring and Feedback on Accessible Customer Service is in place and reviewed as required. Required compliance date: January 1, 2015 - complete.
- 12(1) - Except as otherwise provided, every obligated organization shall upon request provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities,
- in a timely manner that takes into account the person‘s accessibility needs due to disability; and
- At a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons.
Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 12(2) - The obligated organization shall consult with the person requesting to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support. This is achieved through the process outlined in AP 147 - Monitoring and Feedback on Accessible Customer Service. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 12(3) - Every obligated organization shall notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication support. This is achieved through the AMDSB website which has a footer on the Board website and the internal employee website which includes a link to a form to request accessible formats. Required compliance date: January 1, 2016 - complete.
- 13(1) - In addition to its obligations under section 12, if an obligated organization prepares emergency procedures, plans or public safety information and makes the information available to the public, the obligated organization shall provide the information in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports, as soon as practicable, upon request. There is no requirement to have this section achieved as we do not make this information available to the public. Required compliance date: N/A.
- 14(2) - Designated public sector organizations and large organizations shall make their internet websites and web content conform with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)2.0, initially at Level A and increasing to Level AA, and shall do so following the schedule set out in this section. This is achieved through our new website launched in 2020 which complies with WCAG 2.0 Level A. Required compliance date: January 1, 2014 New internet websites and web content on those sites must conform with WCAG 2.0 Level A. (complete). January 1, 2021, All internet websites and web content must conform with WCAG 2.0 Level AA, other than success criteria 1.2.4 Captions (Live) and success criteria 1.2.5 Audio Descriptions (Pre-recorded).
- 15(1) - Every obligated organization that is an educational or training institution shall do the following if notification of need is given:
- Provide educational or training resources or materials in an accessible format that takes into account the accessibility needs due to the disability of the person with a disability to whom the material is to be provided by,
- procuring through purchase or obtaining by other means an accessible or conversion-ready electronic format of educational or training resources or materials, where available; or
- arranging for the provision of a comparable resource in an accessible or conversion-ready electronic format, if educational or training resources or materials cannot be procured, obtained by other means, or converted into an accessible format.
- Provide student records and information on program requirements, availability, and descriptions in an accessible format to persons with disabilities O. Reg. 191/11, s. 15 (1).
- Provide educational or training resources or materials in an accessible format that takes into account the accessibility needs due to the disability of the person with a disability to whom the material is to be provided by,
This is achieved by partnering with AMDSB departments, schools, and our public library partners to assist in ensuring that content is accessible and available in conversion-ready formats where possible. AMDSB will continue to implement electronic formats and technological platforms with built-in accessibility features across the system. Required compliance date: for large designated organizations, January 1, 2013 - ongoing.
- 16(1) - Obligated organizations that are school boards or educational or training institutions shall provide educators with accessibility awareness training related to accessible programs or course delivery and instruction. This is achieved by continuing to work with AMDSB departments to provide training on assistive technology for staff. Facilitate training through in-person and virtual methods. Required compliance date: for large designated organizations, January 1, 2013 - ongoing.
- 16(2) - Obligated organizations that are school boards or educational or training institutions shall keep a record of the training provided under this section, including the dates on which the training is provided and the number of individuals to whom it is provided. This is achieved by having training records retained through our ITSM (TOPDesk). Required compliance date: for large designated organizations, January 1, 2013 - ongoing.
- 18(1) - The libraries of educational or training institutions that are obligated organizations shall provide, procure, or acquire by other means an accessible or conversion-ready format of print, digital, or multimedia resources or materials for a person with a disability, upon request. This is achieved by having an accessible or conversion-ready format of print, digital, or multimedia resources or materials available, upon request. Required compliance date: Print-based resources, January 1, 2015, and digital or multimedia resources, January 1, 2020 - ongoing.
Other Projects
Additional accessible projects above the minimum requirements are completed or in progress.
- Web Functionality - conducted an assessment of current web functionality to ensure compliance and adequate accessibility features. Completion date: Ongoing (beginning fall 2020).
- Mandatory Training Parameters - Create mandatory training parameters within our Safe School software to ensure AMDSB staff are aware of IASR (Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation) requirements for existing web content, and that new sites meet WCAG 2.0, Level AA standards. Completion date: Ongoing.
- Accessible Tool - Provided a district model of Google “Read and Write". This program is an easy-to-use toolbar to make documents, files, and web pages more accessible. March 2020. Completion date: March 2020.
- Accessibility Checker - Purchase a Monsido contract as a web page accessibility checker. Completion date: February 2020.
- Office 365 and Google - Develop Google and Office 365 document platforms to introduce more inclusivity as accessibility capabilities are built into Office 365 and Google. Completion date: Ongoing with no defined end date.
- Assistive Technology - Continue to provide assistive technology to ensure increased information accessibility for our students, staff, and community. Completion date: Ongoing with no defined end date.
- Training - Continue to provide Google “Read and Write” and O365 immersive reader training. Completion date: Ongoing with no defined end date.
- Accessible Formats - Provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication support upon request. Provide accessible or conversion-ready formats of print, digital, or multimedia resources in school libraries, upon request. Procure accessible or conversion-ready electronic formats, where available. Completion date: Ongoing with no defined end date.
The Transportation Standards Subcommittee continues to be in compliance with Regulation 191/11 have been established and met in previous multi-year plans. Our goal is to continue to ensure Avon Maitland District School Board supports the accommodation needs of our students requiring school bus transportation. We will continue to monitor improvements in equipment as it becomes available.
Compliance Requirements per Reg 191/11 = the minimum accessibility standards from the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation.
- 34(1) - All conventional transportation service providers and specialized transportation service providers shall make available to the public current information on accessibility equipment and features of their vehicles, routes and services. This is achieved by having the bus operators provide this information. Required compliance date: January 1, 2012 - complete.
- 34(2) - Conventional transportation service providers and specialized transportation service providers shall, upon request, provide the information described in subsection (1) in an accessible format. This is achieved by having the bus operators provide information in accessible formats upon request. Required compliance date: January 1, 2012 - complete.
- 35(1) - If the accessibility equipment on a vehicle is not functioning and equivalent service cannot be provided, conventional transportation service providers and specialized transportation service providers shall take reasonable steps to accommodate persons with disabilities who would otherwise use the equipment and the transportation service provider shall repair the equipment as soon as is practicable. This is achieved by having the bus operators accommodate as required. Required compliance date: July 1, 2011 - complete.
- 36(1) - In addition to the training requirements set out in section 7, conventional transportation service providers and specialized transportation service providers shall conduct employee and volunteer accessibility training. This is achieved by having training provided by the bus operators. Required compliance date: January 1, 2014 - complete.
- 36(2) - The accessibility training shall include training on:
- the safe use of accessibility equipment and features;
- acceptable modifications to procedures in situations where temporary barriers exist or accessibility equipment on a vehicle fails; and
- emergency preparedness and response procedures that provide for the safety of persons with disabilities.
This is achieved by having training provided by the bus operators. Required compliance date: January 1, 2014 - complete.
- 36(3) - Conventional transportation service providers and specialized transportation service providers shall keep a record of the training provided under this section, including the dates on which the training is provided and the number of individuals to whom it is provided. This is achieved by having training records kept by the bus operators. Required compliance date: January 1, 2014 - complete.
- 37(1) - In addition to any obligations that a conventional transportation service provider or a specialized transportation service provider has under section 13, conventional transportation service providers and specialized transportation service providers,
- shall establish, implement, maintain, and document emergency preparedness and response policies that provide for the safety of persons with disabilities; and
- shall make those policies available to the public.
Required compliance date: January 1, 2020 - complete.
- 37(2) - Conventional transportation service providers and specialized transportation service providers shall, upon request, provide the policies described in subsection (1) in an accessible format. Required compliance date: January 1, 2020 - complete.
- 41(1) - In addition to the accessibility plan requirements set out in section 4, in their accessibility plan, conventional transportation service providers shall identify the process for managing, evaluating, and taking action on customer feedback. Required compliance date: January 1, 2013 - complete.
- 41(2) - Every conventional transportation service provider shall annually hold at least one public meeting involving persons with disabilities to ensure that they have an opportunity to participate in a review of the accessibility plan and that they are given the opportunity to provide feedback on the accessibility plan. Required compliance date: January 1, 2013 - complete.
- 41(3) - If the provider of conventional transportation services also provides specialized transportation services, the transportation service provider shall address both types of transportation services in its accessibility plan. Required compliance date: January 1, 2013 - complete.
- 42(1) - Specialized transportation service providers shall, in their accessibility plans,
- identify the process for estimating the demand for specialized transportation services; and
- develop steps to reduce wait times for specialized transportation services.
Required compliance date: January 1, 2013 - complete.
- 43(1) - Conventional transportation service providers and specialized transportation service providers shall, in their accessibility plans, describe their procedures for dealing with accessibility equipment failures on their respective types of vehicles. Required compliance date: January 1, 2013 - complete.
- 44(1) - Conventional transportation service providers shall,
- deploy lifting devices, ramps, or portable bridge plates upon the request of a person with a disability;
- ensure that adequate time is provided to persons with disabilities to safely board, be secured, and deboard transportation vehicles and that assistance be provided, upon request, for these activities;
- assist with safe and careful storage of mobility aids or mobility assistive devices used by persons with disabilities; and
- allow a person with a disability to travel with a medical aid.
Required compliance date: January 1, 2012 - complete.
- 44(2) - Conventional transportation service providers shall, upon request, make information on the matters referred to in subsection (1) available in an accessible format. Required compliance date: January 1, 2012 - complete.
- 48(1) - Every conventional transportation service provider shall, if safe storage is possible, ensure that mobility aids and mobility assistive devices are stored in the passenger compartments of its transportation vehicles within reach of the person with the disability who uses the aid or device. Required compliance date: January 1, 2012 - complete.
- 50(1) - Where a route or scheduled service is temporarily changed and the change is known in advance of the commencement of the trip, conventional transportation service providers shall,
- make available alternate accessible arrangements to transfer persons with disabilities to their route destination where alternate arrangements for persons without disabilities are inaccessible; and
- ensure information on alternate arrangements is communicated in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability.
Required compliance date: January 1, 2013 - complete.
- 60(1) - Every conventional transportation service provider shall ensure that where transportation vehicles are equipped with steps, the steps meet the following requirements:
- The top outer edge of each step is marked by a colour strip that is high colour-contrasted with its background, to assist with visual recognition, that runs the full width of the leading edge of the step, excluding any side edge mouldings, and can be viewed from both directions of travel.
- The steps have surfaces that are slip-resistant and that produce minimal glare.
- The steps have uniform, closed riser heights and tread depths, subject to the structural limitations of the vehicle full width of the leading edge of the step, excluding any side edge mouldings, and can be viewed from both directions of travel.
- The steps have surfaces that are slip-resistant and that produce minimal glare.
- The steps have uniform, closed riser heights and tread depths, subject to the structural limitations of the vehicle.
Required compliance - complete.
- 61(1) - Every conventional transportation service provider shall ensure that where its transportation vehicles have a ramp, lifting device, or a kneeling function, each of them is equipped with a visual warning lamp indicator mounted on the exterior near the mobility aid accessible door and with an audible warning alarm. Required compliance date: January 1, 2013 - complete.
- 61(2) - The visual warning lamp indicator and the audible warning alarm must function when the kneeling function, ramp or lifting device is in motion. Required compliance date: January 1, 2013 - complete.
- 75(2) - School boards to which this section applies shall,
- ensure that integrated accessible school transportation services are provided for their students; or
- ensure that appropriate alternative accessible transportation services are provided for students with disabilities, where in the opinion of the board integrated accessible school transportation services are not possible or not the best option for a student with a disability because of the nature of the disability or safety.
Required compliance date: January 1, 2011 - complete.
- 75(3) - School boards to which this section applies shall, in consultation with parents or guardians of students with disabilities,
- identify students with disabilities before the commencement of each school year or during the school year, based on the needs of the student with a disability;
- develop individual school transportation plans for each student with a disability that,
- detail student assistance needs for each student with a disability, and
- include plans for individual student boarding, securement and deboarding; and
- identify and communicate to the appropriate parties the roles and responsibilities of the transportation provider, the parents or guardians of the student with the disability, the operator of the vehicle used to transport the student, appropriate school staff, and the student with the disability.
Required compliance date: January 1, 2014 - complete.
76(1) - Designated public sector organizations described in paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 of Schedule 1 that are not primarily in the business of transportation, but that provide transportation services, shall provide accessible vehicles or equivalent services upon request. Required compliance date: July 1, 2011 - complete.
Other Projects
Additional accessible projects above the minimum requirements are completed or in progress.
- Individual Transportation Plan Program (Clevr) - A New on-line Individual Transportation Plan program was created that will allow student plans to travel more effectively as students move to new schools or transition to high school.
- New student plans were created using the program.
- Existing student plans could use paper format or be moved to the new online program.
- Many schools supported the new program for the development of all plans.
Completion date: January 2020.
- Website - Website updated and AODA compliance verified. Completion date: Ongoing - 82% compliant.
- Integrated Bus Seats - Purchase integrated seats for current buses. Completion date: August 2021.
- Adaptive Seats - Adaptive seats that are transportable between vehicles that sit on top of a bus seat. Looks like an integrated seat but removable. Completion date: August 2021.
Reports and Resources
Information regarding the AODA Committee structure and meetings can be found on the AODA Working Group page. Also on this page you will find annual accessibility reports that were presented to the board of trustees (under Reports and Resources).
A requirement of the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan is to share past progress towards achieving the goals of the Act. To this end, see below: