Pupil Accommodation & Enrolment Projections

Student Accommodation Data Dashboards

Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) is pleased to share our newly created Student Accommodation Data Dashboards!  The Data Dashboards, created by the team at Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., is an informative and interactive tool that allows users to see student enrolment projections and school locations, structures and sizes as well AMDSB community demographic information. 
Download the instruction manual below. 
The link to the Data Dashboards is: virtualwatson.ca/education/AMDSB

Guidelines Governing Pupil Accommodation Reviews

The Ministry of Education (Ministry) provides parameters regarding how School Boards are to conduct Pupil Accommodation Review processes. Locally, the Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) has in place Board Policy No.15: Pupil Accommodation Reviews which aligns with the Ministry’s most recently finalized Revised Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline, which was released on March 26, 2015.

Since that time, the Ministry embarked on an extensive consultation to update the Accommodation Review Guideline, releasing the Final Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline on April 28, 2018. Following this release, a further consultation process took place over the fall of 2017 and the winter of 2018. As a result of this second phase of consultation, the Ministry has confirmed that it will be working with its partner ministries and education and municipal stakeholders to develop templates (including initial staff report and economic impact assessment templates) and other resources to support boards in conducting pupil accommodation reviews. Until these resources are developed, the moratorium on pupil accommodation reviews will remain in place unless the reviews are related to coterminous board joint-use initiatives. Full details about the Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline can be found on the Ministry of Education website.


Most Recent Accommodation Analysis Report

The Board of Trustees received the Long-Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) in May of 2024. The full report can be found below. 

Long-Term Enrolment Projections

Student enrolment projections inform planning and decision-making activities in all departments. These figures form the basis of the Annual Preliminary Accommodation Report to the Board, assist with long-term accommodation planning, and provide information for various Ministry reporting requirements. The Board utilizes a Demographic Consultant, Watson & Associates Economists, to produce the enrolment projections and updates. Updated projections, which include the most recent (2021) available census data, were shared with AMDSB Trustees at the February 25, 2025 board meeting, via the pre-recorded video (posted below), as well as an information report.