Administrative Procedure 255: Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL)
Legal References
Education Act: Section 21 Compulsory Attendance; O. Reg. 374/10 Supervised Alternative Learning and Other Excusals from Attendance at School; OSR Guideline - Ontario Student Record Guideline Section 3.1.7; Supervised Alternative Learning - Policy and Implementation; Enrolment Register Instructions - Elementary and Secondary Schools
Related References
Board Policy 10 Committees of the Board; Administrative Procedure (AP) 204 Program Planning; Form 255 Supervised Alternative Learning Application and Plan
1.0 Supervised Alternative Learning Program
This Administrative Procedure sets out the Director of Education’s expectations for the Supervised Alternative Learning Program. Supervised Alternative Learning is a program that is intended to re-engage young people fourteen to seventeen years old who are not attending school and who are therefore at risk of not graduating.
2.0 Procedures
2.1 When a parent/guardian or student who has withdrawn from parental control indicates an interest in applying for the Supervised Alternative Learning Program, the Principal will provide them with a SAL application package. A Principal may initiate the SAL process; however, the parent and student should be in support of the application.
2.2 The Principal and Student Success Team shall endeavour to meet with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the student to complete Form 255 Supervised Alternative Learning Application and Plan. The Attendance Counsellor may assist with the completion of documentation required for the SAL application.
2.3 The Principal shall submit applications for the meeting of the Supervised Alternative Learning Committee. The SAL Committee is composed of the following individuals, at a minimum:
- One (1) Supervisory Officer who is qualified as a teacher;
- One (1) Board Trustee;
- One (1) Community Representative.
Alternatives for each position may be identified.
2.4 The Committee, after reviewing the application, shall:
- Approve the application; or
- Reject the application and instruct the pupil to attend school as required by subsection 21(1) of the Education Act.
2.5 The Secretary to the SAL Committee confirms the Committee decision by letter.
2.6 The Primary Contact shall monitor the student’s progress and make contact with the student at least once per month while the student remains on their Supervised Alternative Learning Plan (SALP). All Two-way communication with the student by the primary contact is to be documented in the Student Information System (Aspen) with a “C”.
2.7 Applications may only be approved until the end of the current school year, or the student’s 18th birthday, whichever comes first.
2.8 At the request of the parent(s)/guardian(s) or Principal, an approved SALP can be renewed by the SAL Committee for one additional school year. At the end of the second school year, a full application must be made to the SAL Committee.
3.0 Disagreement with Decision
3.1 Parents/guardians may make written application to the Principal and the Attendance Counsellor if they disagree with the determination of the committee or wish to alter and/or review the pupil’s program.
3.2 The Attendance Counsellor will call a meeting of the committee to consider the request.
4.0 Supervised Alternative Learning Plan
4.1 Every student who is in SAL must have a Supervised Alternative Learning Plan (SALP).
4.2 The SALP must be focused on meeting the student’s educational needs as well as incorporating a broad range of services and activities that they may require. Each student’s SALP will be highly individualized and describes the student’s learning activities for a maximum of one school year. For the required components of the SALP see the Supervised Alternative Learning Application and Plan, Form 255.
4.3 The SALP should be prepared by the Student Success Team, including the Principal, Primary Contact, and other appropriate school and board personnel, in consultation with the student and parent.
4.4 The Supervised Alternative Learning Plan (SALP) is intended to be a working document that is reviewed and revised as appropriate. If the SALP remains substantially the same, the primary contact may make minor changes to it over the course of the program and must seek input from the student and the student’s parent. Changes should be made on the basis of the student’s achievement and the feedback received from staff members, such as teachers, the social worker and the Attendance Counsellor, as appropriate.
4.5 The SALP is filed in the OSR annually. The student and parent each receive a copy.
5.0 Reporting to Schools
5.1 The Classroom Teachers, SAL Marker and Primary Contact will provide a progress report to the student’s home school at the end of each semester outlining progress on the SALP, on course materials, co-operative education and other learning opportunities as appropriate.
5.2 The home school Principal will sign the report, place a copy in the student’s OSR and provide the original to the student’s parents or guardian, or to the student where the student is living independently of their parents or guardian.
6.0 Roles and Responsibilities
- The Principal initiates or receives the parent’s written request for SAL, prepares the application package, and notifies the parent once submitted.
- Attends the SAL Committee meeting and ensures staff visit the student’s workplace if employment is involved.
- Receives regular progress updates from the primary contact on the student’s SAL program or acts as the primary contact.
Primary Contact
- Establishes two-way contact with the student, at least monthly, to monitor progress, reports it as a “C” code in the attendance register, and documents progress.
- Informs the Principal of any concerns regarding the student’s compliance with the SAL plan.
- Assists the student in addressing any issues that become apparent or refers the student to the appropriate board or community resources.
- May attend the SAL Committee meeting.
- The parent may request or provide input for the SAL program and may be asked to consent to information release.
- Collaborates with school staff to develop the SAL plan and should attend the SAL Committee meeting.
- Maintains communication with the primary contact, supports the student in meeting the SAL plan requirements, and informs the primary contact of any relevant issues.
- The student provides input for the SAL plan and should attend the SAL Committee meeting.
- Participates in the program, maintains communication with the primary contact, and reports any issues affecting the SAL plan.
- Builds a portfolio to demonstrate progress and achievement.
Attendance Counsellor
- Reports on the student’s attendance history and options explored to improve attendance to date.
- Assists with the completion of documentation required for the SAL application.
- Attends the SAL committee meeting to provide these insights.
Student Success Team and Other School Staff
- Assists the Principal in the development of the SAL plan and the gathering of appropriate documentation for submission with the application.
- Assists in the implementation of the SAL plan, as required.
- Advises the primary contact of any issues that may have an impact on the SAL plan and that may require intervention or other support.
SAL Committee
- Establishes regular meeting dates, published in the board calendar.
- Reviews and approves or rejects the SAL application and plan, modifying if needed.
- Notifies all parties of the decision and may approve SAL on a time-limited basis, if appropriate.
Revised October 2024