Administrative Procedure 266: Field Trips and Excursions

Legal References

Education Act: Section 264 Duties of Teacher: Pursuit of Learning; Education Act: Section 265 Duties of Principal: Care of Pupils; R.R.O. Reg. 298 Operation of Schools: Section 11 Duties of Principals - Supervise Instruction, Supervision of Any School Activity; R.R.O. Reg. 298: Section 20 Duties of Teachers: Ensure All Reasonable Safety Precautions; O.Reg.191/11: Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA); O. Reg. 565 Public Pools; Ontario Physical Health and Education Association (OPHEA) Ontario Safety Guidelines; Ministry of Education Policy and Program Memorandum 161 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools; Health Protection and Promotion Act; Smoke Free Ontario Act 2017; Cannabis Control Act, 2017; Cannabis Act 2018; Travel Industry Act

Related References

1. System Expectations
1.1 Well-planned and properly organized field trips and excursions provide students with enhanced educational, social experiences and programs. All field trips must provide equity of access and strive to ensure the safety and security of all participants.
1.2 The Director of Education, or designate, shall approve field trips and excursions in accordance with this Administrative Procedure.
1.3 The principal shall review with staff annually and, this Administrative Procedure and expectation for field trips and excursions and maintain a record of having done so. All arrangements for field trips and excursions shall be made with the full knowledge and consent of the Principal.
1.4 Avon Maitland District School Board abides by the safety standards for field trips and excursions set out by the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (OPHEA) Physical Education Ontario: Safety Guidelines.
1.5 The risks of any field trip could be increased at any time due to political unrest, inclement weather, domestic or global events, or circumstances beyond the school board’s control. Avon Maitland DSB reserves the right to cancel any trips or excursions at any time if the board believes there is an increased risk due to the changing circumstances. The board will make every attempt to assist participants in recovering funds in the case of a cancellation, participants could suffer a financial loss. All communications with parents will clearly outline that the financial risk is assumed by the student and/or the parents guardians. AMDSB will not be liable for expenses incurred by students or supervisors while on the field trip/excursion or for the cancellation of the trip or individual event.
1.6 Parents/Guardians must receive all relevant trip information before consent is requested. Appropriate parental consent forms must be received in advance of all field trips.
1.7 A mandatory field trip is an excursion that is directly related to the curriculum and that all students must attend. For these mandatory field trips there will be no associated cost for the student, they will have a component of assessment and evaluation related to the field trip, and comparable assessment and evaluation for students who do not participate for personal reasons.
1.8 Field Trips should also ensure that destinations, transportation, communication processes and programs are accessible as required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), the Avon Maitland District School Board 2018-2023 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
1.9 These procedures apply to all field trips/excursions sanctioned by the Director of Education and are intended to:
1.9.1 Provide direction for school administrators when planning field trips;
1.9.2 Manage risk for Avon Maitland District School Board; and,
1.9.3 Guide principals and teachers in incorporating appropriate safety practices for all field trips.
1.10 In-school promotion of any field trip, requires approval of the principal. Events which have not been approved pursuant to this Administrative Procedure shall not be promoted in or by the school.

2. Definitions
2.1 A field trip is an out-of-school activity that is directly related to the curriculum in which students participate outside their own school campus during the course of the day, or beyond the normal school day, or over one or more nights.
2.2 An excursion is an out-of-school activity, which does not relate directly to the curriculum, but is approved by the principal. For example: sporting events, clubs, mental health initiatives, etc., or related to Board activities.

3. Responsibility
3.1 Planning and supervision for field trips/excursions are the shared responsibilities of the principal and the teaching staff.
3.1.1 R.R.O. Reg. 298 [S.11 (3)(f)] specifies that it is the duty of the principal to provide for the supervision of and the conducting of any school activity authorized by the board [S.11 (3)(f)]; and
3.1.2 Regulation 298 [S.20 (g)] specifies that it is the duty of the teacher to ensure that all reasonable safety procedures are carried out in courses and activities for which the teacher is responsible
3.1.3 This is the minimum acceptable standard of supervision for one-day field trips. Additional supervision for a Field Trip or Excursion may be required and should be assessed by the teacher in charge. Additional factors including the nature of the activity, the age, ability and experience of the participants, and environmental factors, such as the site lay-out, number of others at the site, the presence of other risks at the site, and the qualifications of the supervisors should be considered
      1. Students in kindergarten: 1 adult to 5 students
      2. Students in grades 1 to 3: 1 adult to 8 students
      3. Students in grades 4 to 6: 1 adult to 10 students
      4. Students in grades 7 to 9: 1 adult to 13 students
      5. Students in grades 10 to 12: 1 adult to 15 students
4. Approval
4.1 The Principal must approve all field trips before additional permissions are sought. Level 2 field trips required approval from the School Superintendent and Level 3 field trips require Superintendent, Student Success and Safe Schools and Director approval as described in 5.3 below.

5. Field Trip Levels Level 1 Field Trips/Excursions – Principal Approval Required
5.1 Level 1 Field Trips involve brief visits (one school day or less) to local or provincial points of interest such as:
5.1.1 Community visits to the local fire hall, police station, bakery, local museum, etc.
5.1.2 Traveling by school bus to local or regional destinations - local landfill site, sugar bush, other schools for athletic, drama or music activities, theatre, local day hiking.
5.1.3 Supervised swimming instruction - lifeguard supervision is required for a recognized instructional swimming program/activity (e.g., aquatic centers, municipal and institutional pools). See
5.1.4 On-going Curricular/Co-Instructional Field Trips: On-going curricular field trips are defined as off-campus activities that are part of the curriculum and occur frequently as part of the program. Physical education recreation courses such as skating, golf or music courses involving off-campus concerts are examples of on-going curricular field trips. On-going co-instructional field trips are scheduled off-campus sporting events, performances or competitions. Some examples are sports team league games, tournaments and playoff games, choir performances and drama competitions. For all on-going curricular or co-instructional field trips teachers will complete Form 266B Parent/Guardian Information and Consent for On-going Curricular and Co-Instructional Field Trips.
5.1.5 The principal and the teacher in charge shall ensure that: Form 266A Field Trip/Excursion Proposal is completed by the teacher in charge of the trip and submitted to the principal of the school(s) involved for approval at least two weeks prior to the trip. The principal has a copy of the Trip File, described below in Section 11, available in the school office. The supervising teacher has a copy of the Trip File, described below in Section 11, in their possession.
5.1.6 If, in the opinion of the principal, any aspect of a Level 1 Field Trip falls under a Level 2 definition, Level 2 procedures are to be followed.
5.1.7 A cellular phone is required for all Level 1 trips. The cellular phone number must be included in the Field Trip file (Section 11) and Field Trip Proposal (Form 266A).

5.2 Level 2 Field Trips – Principal and School Superintendent Approval Required Level 2 Field Trips:
5.2.1 Involve out-of-province travel;
5.2.2 Involve higher risk activities;
5.2.3 Fewer than five days that involve an overnight stay, within or outside the province, in a non-wilderness setting; or
5.2.4 In the opinion of the principal requires further approval.
5.2.5 The principal and supervising teacher shall ensure that: Form 266A Field Trip/Excursion Proposal is completed by the supervising teacher of the trip and submitted to the principal of the school(s) involved for approval six months in advance; All Level 2 Field Trips have first received principal permission; The completed proposal has been forwarded to the School Superintendent at least six months prior to the trip; The principal has a copy of the Trip File, described below in Section 11, available in the school office; and, The supervising teacher has a copy of the Trip File, described below in Section 11, in their possession.
5.2.6 If any aspect of a Level 2 Field Trip, in the opinion of the School Superintendent, falls under a Level 3 definition, Level 3 procedures are followed.
5.2.7 A cellular phone is required for all Level 2 trips. Note: If cellular phone service is not available at the destination point, a satellite telephone (or alternate plan) should accompany the supervising teacher or access must be available. Satellite phones can be rented at if the travel company does not provide access.
5.2.8 The principal and supervising teacher will also ensure that a Parent/Guardian Information Meeting is held as described below in Section if deemed necessary by the principal or School Superintendent.
5.2.9 Identified Higher Risk Activities. (see Form 266A-3 Checklist B and C and Form 266A-1)
5.2.10 Any trip that has an inherent danger to the participant is considered to be a higher risk activity. As of June 2021 please consult  for High Risk Activities and such activities as outlined in the OPHEA Safety Guidelines and 266A-4 for activities not approved by OSBIE.
5.2.11 The appropriate checklist(s) must be completed (Form 266A-1 Higher Risk Activity Checklist Requirements) and approved by the principal. This checklist must be included in the Trip File (section 11) .
5.2.12 Whenever an outside organization is contracted to provide services, the organization must provide proof of liability insurance ($2,000,0000 -two million dollars minimum) as well as the certification of the instructor.
5.2.13 Any trip that involves more than one Higher Risk activity must have Form 266A-1 Higher Risk Activity Checklist Requirements completed and submitted to the principal.
5.2.14 Form 266A-1 Higher Risk Activity Checklist Requirements must be completed for teams participating in high risk sports occurring outside the regular season (e.g., hockey, rugby, high jump, etc.).
5.2.15 It is recommended that these forms be completed prior to tryouts of high risk sports.
5.3 Level 3 Field Trips - Superintendent (Student Success and Safe Schools and Director Approval Required Level 3 Field Trips Include:
5.3.1 International travel;
5.3.2 Field trips of five days or more;
5.3.3 Circumstances which, in the opinion of the School Superintendent or Superintendent (Student Success and Safe Schools), require further approval; or
5.3.4 Wilderness trips anywhere in Canada.
5.3.5 The principal and supervising teacher shall ensure that: Form 266A Field Trip/Excursion Proposal is completed by the supervising teacher of the trip and submitted to the principal of the school(s) involved for approval one year in advance; All Level 3 Field Trips have first received principal permission; The completed proposal has been forwarded to the Superintendent (Student Success and Safe Schools); All Level 3 Field Trips receive approval of the Director or designate; An updated copy of the Field Trip Excursion Proposal provided to the Superintendent, Student Success and Safe Schools 1 month prior to the departure date, along with a copy of trip and chaperone participant names and contact information. Six months prior, confirmation must be given to the Superintendent that cancellation and medical insurance have been purchased, or proof of existing cancellation for any reason provided (if purchased separately from the trip provider), for every individual. The principal has a copy of the Trip File, described below in Section 11, available in the school office; The supervising teacher has a copy of the Trip File, described below in Section 11, in their possession; A cellular phone is required for all Level 3 trips. Note: If cellular phone service is not available at the destination point, a satellite telephone must accompany the supervising teacher, or alternate arrangement for access (e.g. trip guide’s communication medium) must be available. If students are divided into smaller groups for extended periods of time or overnight, more than one satellite telephone may be needed. Satellite phones can be rented at A Parent/Guardian Information Meeting is held as described below in Section
6. General Responsibilities
6.1 Principals shall ensure that:
6.1.1 All requirements of the administrative procedure have been adhered to, and specifically, all participants on international field trips MUST have both cancellation and medical insurance. Principal will sign off and submit to the Superintendent (Student Success and Safe Schools) at least 1 month prior to departure Form 266A, Checklist C - Level 3 Field Trip.
6.1.2 The field trip is planned jointly by the principal and the teachers;
6.1.3 The activity has sound educational value, relates to learning expectations of the curriculum, and is appropriate for the students’ age, and development.
6.1.4 The following documentation has been received and is on file at the school for any approved travel agency (licensed, third party, see Appendix B) who sets up a field trip: A copy of the agent/agency’s Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations current registration form; A Certificate of Insurance outlining the agent/agency’s current comprehensive general liability coverage of at least two million dollars ($2,000,000.00); and, A copy of the agent/agency’s current Student Insurance Policy.
6.1.5 For all field trips, suitable information is sent to parents/guardians explaining the purpose, supervision, program and schedule for the trip (including weather considerations, if applicable) well in advance of the trip.
6.1.6 Form 266B Parent/Guardian Information and Consent for Ongoing Curricular and Co-Instructional Field Trips or Form 266D or 266E Parent/Guardian Consent for Field Trips/Excursions is completed and signed for every student who participates in a field trip. Parents/Guardians must also have received Form 266C Parent/Guardian Information for Field Trips/Excursions. Note that all students must have adequate cancellation, and health insurance for the duration of  the trip.
6.1.7 Whenever a student is expected to participate in ongoing trips for a particular curricular or co-instructional activity, Form 266B Parent/Guardian Information and Consent for Ongoing Curricular and Co-Instructional Field Trips is completed for each student, only once at the beginning of the season or school year.
6.1.8 The Superintendent (Student Success and Safe Schools) has approved any Level 3 Trips one year in advance.
6.1.9 The School Superintendent has approved any Level 2 field trips at least six months in advance of the trip.
6.1.10 Supervision for the class(es) of a teacher involved on a trip is arranged.
6.1.11 The selection of appropriate supervisors will consider the number of students as identified in 3.1.3, their age, gender and the nature of the activity as per guidelines from the travel organizer. The principal has authority to delegate responsibility to adults who are not teachers, and should retain on file the names of all adult supervisors and resource persons assisting in field trip management. A criminal record check and vulnerable sector screening is required.
6.1.12 There is approval of the participation of each volunteer as required under Administrative Procedure 495 Volunteer Programs in the Schools, and has ensured that volunteers are familiar with the school’s Code of Conduct.
6.1.13 All fundraising activities comply with Administrative Procedure 321 Fundraising (Students) and AP 513 School Generated Funds (Accounting Procedures).
6.1.14 Any exceptional or extenuating circumstances are referred to the School Superintendent for approval.
6.1.15 All consent forms for the trip are kept on file for one year.
6.1.16 Prior to any international trip, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) has been consulted to determine if any travel advisory has been issued for the duration of the trip. Should conditions warrant, the principal will require trip organizers to register all trip particulars with DFAIT prior to departure and to activate the registration with the local Canadian consulate upon arrival.
6.1.17 The Individual Medical Management Plan of Care, medication and storage requirements are taken on the trip for each student as required. In addition,  disposal equipment, if needed, also needs to be taken on the trip. Note: Although cannabis for medical use for a prescribed user is legal in Canada, it is illegal for cannabis, medical or recreational, to be transported across the Canadian border and therefore is not permitted.
6.1.18 The school staff supervisor is aware of the medical supports (e.g., hospital or clinic) in proximity to trip locations/destinations and noted in the Form 266A-3 - Checklist B or C.
6.1.19 Principals shall ensure that the travel agent chosen to arrange the trip is listed on the Travel and Tour Operators Vendor of Record List (Appendix B).
6.1.20 Principals shall ensure that quotes are received for the cost of the trip from a minimum of three of the Travel and Tour Operators found in Appendix B.
6.1.21 Principals shall ensure that Form 266G Travel and Tour Service Vendor Performance Evaluation, is completed and submitted to the Purchasing Manager within seven days of the completion of the trip.
6.2 Teachers shall ensure that:
6.2.1 Learning expectations for the trip are established early in the planning process. In-class discussions will also be held to address any potential hazards and risks, and appropriate strategies to deal with them.
6.2.2 Principal approval is secured before any commitments are made, and teacher principal communication about the trip is ongoing.
6.2.3 School Superintendent approval is secured (for Level 2) and Superintendent (Student Success and Safe Schools) and Director approvals are secured (Level 3) according to this procedure.
6.2.4 To avoid acting in the capacity of a “travel sales person” as defined in the Travel Industry Act, RSO 2002, the teacher must refrain from accepting cash, taking cheques or issuing receipts in their own name and from accepting remuneration from the travel agency for services. The teacher may, however, accept travel and accommodation on the trip with the students, provided all such benefits are approved by the principal.
6.2.5 Formal bookings or reservations are arranged well in advance to secure use of facilities or resources.
6.2.6 Whenever possible, a pre-trip visit to the trip site is conducted to become familiar with the physical layout and curricular opportunities.
6.2.7 Where appropriate, a simulation exercise or special training has been conducted as preparation for the trip.
6.2.8 All equipment and supplies required for trip activities have been listed, located, secured, and are in good working condition. All safety rules and rules of conduct are reviewed with the students. Where appropriate, the guidelines set out by the Ontario Safety Guidelines (OPHEA) are reviewed and followed. Appropriate safety instruction and emergency preparedness are reviewed and plans are communicated and implemented to address student fitness and skill levels, as required for the trip. A teacher(s) organizing a field trip that involves canoe, or watercraft activities, or swimming in a body of water must submit to the principal Form 266A-1 Higher Risk Activities Checklist Requirements prior to trip departure. Refer to OPHEA guidelines for swimming and completion of the swim test, see Form 266A-1. Results of the swim test must be documented and shared with the teacher(s) and principal. Results of tests, Form 266H, must be kept in the Trip File, see Section 11. Parents of any students who do not pass the swim test must be notified. When required (Level 2 and Level 3), Form 266A-1 and Forms 266A-3 Checklist B or C must be provided at the time of application. A parent/guardian meeting takes place for all Level 3 Field Trips and for Level 1 and 2 Field Trips if deemed appropriate by the Principal. The meeting will provide an opportunity to review the itinerary, explain risks and possible contingency plans, answer any questions, and provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss trip details and any concerns with the trip organizers. Parents should have a clear understanding of the Board’s ability to cancel any field trip. See 1.5. Appropriate adult supervision will be adhered to as outlined in administrative procedures (see 3.1.3) Additional supervision will be included where necessary to support any student with special needs. All volunteers are properly informed in advance about their duties and responsibilities throughout the trip. Emergency contacts and any other important information regarding the student must accompany the teacher on the field trip. In addition, all similar information must be available at the school. A system of grouping students for supervision appropriate to the trip is in place. Students are given safety instructions by designated transport personnel, as appropriate (if traveling by public conveyance). When directed by the principal, all international trip participants are registered with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) prior to departure and the local Canadian consulate is contacted upon arrival to activate the registration. Travel companies may provide this service. The Individual Medical Management Plan of Care, with copies of Form 315A, 315B, and/or 315C attached, medication and storage requirements are taken on the trip for each student as required, and available to share with bus drivers. In addition, disposal resources, if needed, are to be taken on the trip. For medical cannabis within Canada only, the prescribing physician/nurse practitioner’s authorization must be transported in the original, tamper-proof container which is fastened closed and not readily available to the driver. Medical support locations (e.g., hospital or clinic) in proximity to trip locations/destinations are known and listed in Trip File (Section 11).
6.3 Students shall ensure that:
6.3.1 All relevant forms and financial arrangements have been completed and submitted by the established dates;
6.3.2 Academic responsibilities are met prior to, during, and after the trip;
6.3.3 Rules of conduct and safety for the specified field trip are understood and followed;
6.3.4 Behaviour during the trip is consistent with the School Code of Conduct;
6.3.5 Preparations for the trip have been made, including appropriate clothing, sun protection, equipment and supplies;
6.3.6 The system of student grouping for supervision purposes is clearly understood. Failure to adhere to the above responsibilities may result in the exclusion of the student from the field trip; and 
6.3.7 If their Individual Medical Management Plan of Care permits, the student will carry their personal medicine and supplies, and be responsible for self- management, storage and disposal of medical supplies.
6.4 Parents/Guardians shall ensure that: 
6.4.1 They are fully informed about all aspects of the trip (e.g., have attended the Parent Information Meeting; have read and understood the itinerary);
6.4.2 The school is informed of any new prevalent medical conditions or any changes to the current medical profile of their child prior to the trip so that an Individual Medical Management Plan of Care can be created or reviewed/revised. If a medical response exists that may/will require intervention during the trip and is not detailed in the Individual Medical Management Care, it is the responsibility of the parent to contact the supervising teacher to develop a Medical Emergency Plan; (AP314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools; AP315 Medication: Administration, Storage & Disposal);
6.4.3 They notify the school if the trip destination increases the risk of a medical incident or medical emergency;
6.4.4 Preparations for the trip have been made, including provision of appropriate clothing, equipment, sun protection, and supplies;
6.4.5 They understand the rules of conduct and safety including the School Code of Conduct, and that rules for the specified field trip have been discussed with their child; and,
6.4.6 They have a clear understanding that the Board reserves the right to cancel a trip if it is deemed necessary or advisable; consequently, adequate health and hospital insurance and cancellation insurance coverage must be purchased, or proof provided for the duration of any international trip. See 1.5.
7. Participation
7.1 Any student may take part in field trips/excursions sanctioned by the principal, subject to the criteria and guidelines of the activity. The principal shall have the final decision on the eligibility of the student’s participation.
7.2 When the behaviour of a student on a field trip/excursion is, in the opinion of the supervisors, compromising the safety of the student, or others, or does not adhere to previously established expectations, that student will be returned home at the expense of the parents/guardians or adult student. Parents/guardians will be notified prior to the student being sent home of the arrangements being made.
8. Volunteer supervisors
Principals must select and screen volunteers in accordance with Administrative Procedure 495 Volunteer Programs in the Schools. The principal will approve the participation of each volunteer, and has the authority to delegate responsibility to adults who are not teachers. The principal shall retain in the Trip File (section 11) the names of all adult supervisors and resource persons assisting in the supervision of students on the field trip/excursion.
9. Transportation
9.1 For all modes of transportation, whether commercial or volunteer, the driver must provide proof of liability insurance ($2,000,000.00 - two million dollars minimum). The existence of a valid insurance policy will be documented and confirmed as part of the planning process.
9.2 Private transportation shall be used only when the driver and owner of the vehicle is (are) aware of the implications regarding liability and personal insurance. Volunteer drivers must complete Form 495E (Volunteer Driver Form). 
9.3 Additional passengers are permitted only under exceptional circumstances and with the advance permission of the principal, who must determine the liability factors, and that supervision of students will not be adversely affected.
9.4 When more than one vehicle is used for an activity, a separate passenger list for each vehicle must be prepared.
10. Safety and Health
10.1 Safety and health for students and staff shall be given the highest priority when planning or approving a trip. 
10.2 Supervisors of field trips/excursions must be aware of relevant first aid procedures, and in the case of swimming or boating, at least one provider/supervisor must have a current National Lifeguard Service certificate and first aid qualification such as St. John’s Emergency First Aid Certificate.
10.3 It is the supervisor’s duty to ensure that students are instructed about safety procedures either by the activity provider or by the teachers/supervisors. The transportation carrier must also instruct the students about safety and emergency procedures.
10.4 For higher risk activities, there should be compliance with all provisions outlined in section 5.2 and 5.3. Any potential risks must be clearly communicated to parents/guardians in the permission form(s), which must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the school. For example, on trips where students are exposed to an open flame, parents must be made aware of this risk and assured that necessary precautions will be put in place in the planning and supervision of the trip.
11. Trip File
11.1 A trip file for each field trip/excursion is to be kept in a visible and published location in the school office. It will include:
11.1.1 Trip manifest(s); 
11.1.2 Form 266A Field Trip/Excursion Proposal and an Updated 266A completed 1 month prior to departure;
11.1.3 Itinerary and correspondence to parents/guardians;
11.1.4 Form 266B, 266D or 266E Parent/Guardian Consent for Field Trips/Excursions; and
11.1.5 Medical support locations (e.g., hospital or clinic) in proximity to trip locations/destinations are known and listed in the Trip File.
11.1.6 Cell phone number of supervisor(s)
11.1.7 Results of swim test (Form 266H)
11.1.8 Form 266A-1 as appropriate.
11.1.9 Names of all adult supervisors and resource persons assisting in the supervision of students on the field trip/excursion.
11.1.10 Contingency plans if applicable
11.1.11 A complete list of all modes of transportation
11.2 The teacher(s) in charge will carry on their person(s) at all times:
11.2.1 Individual emergency medical management plan of care, including copies of Form 315 A and/or 315B as appropriate;
11.2.2 Emergency Numbers;
11.2.3 Administrator/designate and School Superintendent contact numbers;
12. Emergencies
12.1 In the event of an emergency situation, the teacher/supervisor or a designate on the trip will notify the school principal, or designate immediately, or as soon as is practically possible. The principal will then implement the pre-arranged communication system to make every endeavour to notify the parents/guardians of the students on the field trip/excursion of the status of the situation. The principal will notify the parents/guardians of the availability of the school for them to gather and receive updated information from the teacher/supervisor through the principal or designate.
12.2 A complete list of all contact names for students, teachers and volunteer supervisors on the trip will be easily available in the school office throughout the duration of the trip to facilitate timely notification to parents/guardians, and appropriate family members. (11.1.1)
12.3 The School Superintendent or Superintendent, Student Success and Safe Schools for Level 3 Field Trips will be contacted by school personnel, and will then notify the Director of Education, other members of the senior staff and the Manager of Communications. The OSBIE lead will contact OSBIE. Trustees will be notified, as appropriate.
12.4 The principal/teacher in charge will provide parents/guardians with phone numbers where the student can be reached in the event of an emergency.
13. Required Use of Registered Travel Agent
13.1 The Travel Industry Act (RSO, 2002) Regulation 26/05 requires that all persons arranging travel must be licensed under the Act.
13.2 Article 2(2)(7) of Regulation 26/05 provides an exemption for: “A person who is employed to teach in an elementary or secondary school, university or college of applied arts and technology who: 
    1. Arranges one-day tours for the students of that school, university or college as part of the curriculum or arranges other travel services through a registered travel agent as part of the curriculum;
    2. Has the approval of the appropriate board, principal or other governing body or official to make the arrangements for the travel services; and,
    3. Receives no direct or indirect gain or profit from arranging for the travel services other than participating in the travel services.
13.3 In order to comply with the Travel Industry Act and Regulation 26/05 the school staff must follow the procedures outlined below when arranging field trips/excursions:
13.3.1 Field trips/excursions that take place within the province of Ontario and that involve a maximum of one night away may consider the use of a registered travel agent when arrangements are made for the activity.
13.3.2 Field trips/excursions involving more than one night away should use a registered travel agent when arrangements are made for the activity. Exceptions to this requirement may include, but are not limited to, trips to Camp Celtic, JUMP, Camp Sylvan and Bark Lake where students are travelling directly to and from these program locations. Questions regarding exemptions should be directed to the Superintendent, Student Success and Safe Schools.
13.3.3 Field trips/excursions involving out-of-province travel must make use of a registered travel agent when arrangements are made for the activity, unless exempted by the Superintendent, Student Success and Safe Schools.
13.3.4 Organizers of Level 3/international trips shall not deviate from a travel company’s planned itinerary and use of established providers (e.g., request to use a charter company for lower airfare despite the recommended travel with a larger airline) without the approval of the Superintendent, Student Success and Safe Schools. 13.3.5 The travel agency shall provide a responsible liaison person in Canada both prior to and during the tour, and this person’s name, telephone number and  address will be made known to the parents/guardians of the students on the tour and to the principal or designate.
14. Travel Agency Tours - General Instructions
14.1 The following documentation will be received and be kept on file at the school for any travel agency that organizes a field trip/excursion:
      1. A copy of the agent/agency’s Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations current registration form;
      2. A Certificate of Insurance outlining the agent/agency’s current comprehensive general liability coverage of at least two million dollars; and
      3. A copy of the agent/agency’s current student insurance policy.
Appendix A - Index of Forms and Checklists for Field Trips and Excursions (please refer to pdf)
Appendix B - Approved Travel and Tour Agencies for Field Trips (Staff to contact Student Success and Pathways)

Revised March 2023