Excellence in Public Education Awards

District 8 OSSTF (Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation) and the Avon Maitland District School Board are pleased to recognize the winners of this year's Excellence in Public Education Awards. Award recipients include secondary students, secondary teachers, support staff members, and community members. 

We invite the Huron and Perth communities to celebrate the accomplishments of these outstanding individuals with us.

Read the Program


2024 Excellence in Public Education Award Recipients

Student Achievement Awards

Abbey Ramsay-Brown (SHDHS): Grade 11-12 Visual - Sculpture “Waterworks”
Celia Ciufo (SHDHS): Grade 11-12 Prose & Poetry - “Don’t Be Ridiculous”
Pictured below
Adele Scarrow and Charlie Brown (Seaforth PS) - Best Buddies Award
Adele Scarrow and Charlie Brown


ESSP (Education Support Staff Professionals)

Pictured below
Tara Antle (Child & Youth Worker, Anne Hathaway PS)
Shelley Mason (Educational Assistant, Anne Hathaway PS)
Sarah Casserly (Educational Assistant, Brookside)
Shannon O’Neil (Educational Assistant, Brookside) - absent
Karen Shuker (Secretary, Upper Thames ES)
Dianne Mohr (Computer Trainer, IT Team)
Erin Yantzi ( Computer Trainer, IT Team)
Patrick Ryan (Hardware Technician, IT Team)

ESSP Award Recipients holding their awards and smiling.


Central Huron Secondary School

Pictured below with EIPE Rep Shane Taylor and Principal Petra Goetz
Seleena Slotegraaf (Student)
Holden Heipel (Student)
Kimberlee DeJong (Educational Assistant)
Aaron Neeb (Teacher) - on the right

CHSS EIPE Award Recipients holding awards and smiling  Aaron Neeb with his award

FE Madill Secondary School

Pictured below with EIPE Rep Anne Guay and Vice Principal Eveline Wright
Gillian Dinsmore (Student)
Rhys deSwart (Student)
Paul Bartman (Teacher)
Scott Mercer (Teacher)

FE Madill EIPE Award Recipients holding awards and smiling

Goderich District Collegiate Institute

Pictured below with EIPE rep Bridget Hayden and Principal Jenalyn Ignor

Kyuss Lawrence (Student)
Gryffin Langis (Student)
Siobhan Kleuskens (Student)
Tamara Crocker (Educational Assistant) 

GDCI EIPE Award Recipients holding awards and smiling

Listowel District Secondary School

Pictured below with EIPE Rep Dana Theil and Principal Scott Bannerman
Aanya Anand (Student)
Terra Paleczny (Student)
Charlotte Perry (Student)
Lorie Dekok (Custodial Staff Member)

LDSS EIPE Award Recipients holding awards and smiling

Mitchell District High School

Pictured below with EIPE Rep Danielle Beaugrand and Principal Derek Laidlaw
Hailey Lambert-Podann (Student)
Dylan Belanger (Student)
Alen Chen (Student)
Charlee Feltz (Student)

MDHS EIPE Award Recipients holding awards and smiling

South Huron District High School

Pictured below with EIPE Rep Tracy McLennan and Principal Ed Havenga
Bria McCann (Student)
Liam Buckman (Student)
Paul Vendrig (Community Member)
Richard Grant (Community Member)

SHDHS EIPE Award Recipients holding awards and smiling

St. Marys District Collegiate and Vocational School

Pictured below with EIPE Rep Ellen Bettger and Principal Scott Richardson
Daniel Greig (Student)
Minota Lovering (Student)
Kristie Berg (Child & Youth Worker)
Stephen Chateauvert (Teacher)

SMDVCI EIPE Award Recipients holding awards and smiling

Stratford District Secondary School

Pictured below with EIPE Rep Leah Challenger and Vice Principal Barry Promane
Kyla Powers (Student)
Kieran Albrecht (Student)
Jaimie Haasnoot (Teacher)
Rae Mavor (Community Member)


SHDHS EIPE Award Recipients holding awards and smiling


Congratulations to all of the winners! Well deserved!